
Assassins have weak defense but they can deal immense damage to enemies using backstab. They can kill most monsters with one hit.


Obtainable from King Elbano at Capital City Elban

- Must be Lvl 140

- Must be an Apprentice Assassin


A punishing surprise attack. Use on a rear-facing enemy for several times more damage.


Chance of evading magic attacks from foes


Improves your reaction time and AGI for a period of time

Throw Mastery

Boosts ATK and range when wielding throwing weapons.


Increase critical damage. CRT increases more for Throwing


Become unlikely to be attacked. Reduce a target's hate up rate. Increase the evasion rate.


Chance to counterattack when evading an enemy melee attack.


Put all power on an attack. The damage relates your MP rest.

Shadow Walk

Increase Evasion hiding in the dark. The effect decreases if you are in sight of the enemy.

Hate Shift

Shift the hate to another player. The hate value you have will be moved a little to the target.


Assassinate enemies. Boost Backstab used behind enemies. Enemy HP has to be more than 95%.

Venom Fist

Inflict more poison on a foe. Increase the poison damage on the target every time you use this skill.

Job Master (Assassin)

Proof of mastering Assassin. Job bonus increases.

Shadow Mist

Take a distance like mist while cutting an enemy. Power rises when target is Poisoned.

Phantom Step

Bind a foe's movement from behind. Usable near a foe if Poison Blade. Stock Venom Blade when activated

Venomous Dance

The traditional dance of death. Deal DMG depending on accumulated poison. Gain Assault.

Sudden Accel

Warp around an enemy more smoothly. Use Backstab to warp around an enemy from the front and raise damage.

Twilight Raid

Leave a shadow to attack the enemy. Evade a target while attacking. Power increases if target is Poisoned.