
Snipers have weak defenses but their long-ranged attacks make up the difference, not only that but they have many skills to cure and inflict ailments on mobs.

Obtainable from King Elbano in Capital City Elban

- Must be Lv140
- Must be Apprentice Sniper

Arrow Rain

A bow-only attack that deals damage based on number of hits and attack range.

Bow Mastery

A book that raises your ATK and range when wielding a bow.


Raises DEX and critical damage.


Dip the weapon in paralyzing venom. Chance of paralyzing enemies and dealing additional damage.


Gain surviving skills. Raises natural HP&MP recovery.

Fast Shot

ASPD increases but Accuracy and critical rate decrease. Cannot move during the skill.

Night Eye

Nullifies Blind for a certain number of times. Recovers Blind status if already Blind.

Freeze Arrow

Shoot a freezing arrow. Lower target's defense and speed by freezing it.


Shoot a clearly targeted enemy. Attack ignores enemy's defense.

Smoke Drop

A skill to distract enemies. Reduce hate against a target. Invalid when you are targeted.

Blind Arrow

Release arrows into the enemy's eyes. Inflict Darkness on a target, and lower critical rate and range.


Improves accuracy and attack speed on the target.

Area Rain

Shoot arrows in the air. Deal damage for certain intervals with time lags.

Arrow Break

Deal heavy arrows for a chance to inflict Dizzy when attacking. Small additional DMG.


Nullifies Freeze certain number of times. Remove Freeze if already inflicted.


Special bow skill using Area Rain. Increase the damage of Area Rain. Unavailable during Item delay.

Anti Virus

Obtain resistance to status ailments depending on the skills learned. Cure the ailments already inflicted.


Briefly summon a decoy of yourself. If you are targeted, the decoy will be attacked instead.


Nullifies Burn certain number of times. Remove Burn if already inflicted. Melee up depending on Lv.


Attack off guard enemies effectively. The critical damage percentage to the enemies with low hate increases.

Job Master (Sniper)

Proof of mastering Sniper. Job bonus increases.

Faint Arrow

An arrow that breaks consciousness. Reduce hate from the target.

Cure Disease

Obtain resistance to status ailments depending on the skills learned. Cure the ailments already inflicted.

Fairy Wind

Increase PT members' movement speed and you can attack with the bow while moving. Autoskill rates decrease.


Concentrate on attack. Greatly increase attack speed and power. Take recoil damage when attacking.

Hidden Arrow

When attacking normally, deal added DMG with hidden arrows. Must equip bow, use Fairy Wind and Overclock.

Comet Tail

Only usable during a strong attack, but boosts Area Rain and Crossfire while dealing damage.

Storm's Calling

When taking heavy damage by magic attack, partially nullify some and counterattack with a wind attack.